Company Name to CIN API takes Company Name as the input, then checks and displays the CIN of the company.
The API is developed keeping in mind the underlying requirement and the various use cases of it in the today’s business scenario.
The Company Name to CIN API provides information regarding the CIN of the company.
The API is very useful for businesses in a variety of business operations such as fraud prevention, partner onboarding, reducing risk and vulnerability, etc.
● The Company Name to CIN API is incredibly efficient and reliable, and it is fully capable of running in any institution that requires a Company Name to CIN verification.
● The only input is the Company Name, then the API will fetch accurate information regarding the CIN of the company.
● The API fetches result and displays them in an easy-to-read form.
Steps Involved
- Partner will integrate Company Name to CIN API.
- Use case of the API will be defined by the partner, they can be fraud prevention, partner onboarding, reducing risk and vulnerability, etc.
- After entering the Company Name, the API will fetch results containing the CIN Number of the company.
API Input
This API requires only one input – Company Name.
Company Name to CIN API’s Output:

Process Flow: